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Hello, again!

So, here we are: a mere ten years and twenty days since my last blog post. That's one-and-a-quarter AAA game development cycles. That spans the rise and fall of cryptocurrency in the mainstream. And, most painfully, that's two full website rebuilds without any new content. Let's see if I can fix that this year.

It is 2025. Technology has always had a dramatic impact on the world, but it's hard to overstate to what extent that will be demonstrated over the next five years: we are on track for a 2030 that will redefine what our everyday life looks like, facilitated by inventions that have been the realm of science-fiction until recently. I am, of course, referring to AI, but I also believe that XR will "come of age" in this timespanQuite literally, given that 2030 will mark 18 years since the Oculus Rift. On the other hand, I made a five-year bet in 2021 about the same thing and I'm on track to lose that, so we'll see., and the two technologies are likely to combine to create a fascinatingly different future.

My goal is to document these changes, speculate on what's next, and demonstrate interesting projects along the way. But before I do that, let's clarify where I stand and what I've been up to.

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